
Launchspace is a mechanism for raising liquidity, 100% of which is sent to the Uniswap trading pool. Launchspace is a 72-hour pre-sale of DAO tokens using the Dutch auction model. The collection target for the auction is set by the token creator between 10,000 and 100,000 USDC. If the raise goal is not reached, users take back 100% of their investment via claim.

On the Launchspace page, you can become an early investor and liquidity provider in the project and earn commissions from trading these tokens.

Click Buy.

Enter the amount of USDC, click Approve and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Before making a token purchase, learn how the Current price works on Launchspaces, as the selling price is not fixed and will change depending on the interest of buyers.

Click Buy, to make an early purchase of tokens, and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

After a successful transaction, you will see your successful purchase.

How can early investors who bought tokens on Launchspace get them?

Tokens purchased on Launchspace will be unfrozen for 30 days in a linear vesting process. After unfreezing, tokens are available for trading on DEXDAO.

When does the public trading of the DAO token launch?

The public trading of a DAO token will start if a set USDC amount is raised on Launchspace immediately after any user clicks the 'Finalise Launchspace' button, but not earlier than 72 hours after Launchspace starts.

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